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A member registered Jun 10, 2021

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Hey boringsuburbandad, let's have dinner... and let me be the cook!

My name is Andrea Contino, a freelance translator who moonlights as a horror aficionado. With three years of experience in conjuring captivating translations, I recently stumbled upon your chilling masterpiece, "Dinner with an Owl." Let's just say, I was hooked like an owl in a well-baited trap!

As a fervent fan of your darkly delectable creations, I would be honored to lend my linguistic skills to the Italian localization of "Dinner with an Owl." I'm willing to serve up my expertise PRO BONO, simply because I believe in the chilling brilliance of your game and want to ensure it sends shivers down the spines of Italian gamers. I'm a big fan of indie horrors and I've been playing a lot of them in the last decades!

If you're feeling adventurous enough to cross paths with this multilingual maestro (here’s my linkedin:, please let me know the specific steps or requirements for this ghoulish collaboration. I'm ready to transform your terrifying tale into an Italian language experience that will have players clutching their covers and whispering "Oh my owl!" (NO PUN INTENDED.)

Thank you for reading my message, and I eagerly await the possibility of our hauntingly delightful collaboration. This could be scarily good!

Game on!